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Smartphones application to the Department of Health finish off I PHONE
Given the prevalence of popularity of smart phones and increase its users the whole world and Matkdmh of services and different applications that can be called a revolution the world of smartphones in addition to increasing the Internet users through these phones and provides them with technical solutions for how to use it, it became important keep up with this development, growth and reflected for all citizens and the importance of knowledge of health issues and the latest breaking news from the campaigns and vaccinations and other health news that progress in the form of technical solutions to help them and serve them shortest time and less effort in a world of fast and the evolution of technology From this point the Department of Public Health to establish the first news healthy application and on the way are deployed all events and field follow-ups Lady and the Minister of Health and Environment and field follow-ups to our circle and dates of immunization campaigns and all health activities and other important news in the field of health in order to increase access to these events and larger by the citizen and the use of information that are published of this application and the official website of the Public Health Service ( .iq) and social networking page ( public Health Service ) .
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